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Receivable Finance & Invoice FactoringReceivable finance (invoice factoring) is a simple and effective process of exchanging the value in your receivables for cash. Its quite simple. You obtain the working capital you need by leveraging your accounts receivable. Cash is advanced to you on each receivable you choose to submit. In about 24 hours Similar to a store accepting a credit card. You are paid immediately and a small fee is paid for the service. This is one of the oldest and most used forms of finance in the world. Historically reserved for very large corporation but in the last few decades it has been offered to smaller and more divers businesses. Similar to accepting a credit card from a consumer. You get cash now but the customer can pay later.
Some Key Benefits
Think about it...What could you do if you had an unlimited supply of working capital?
If you would like to learn more about factoring here are some related books. Factoring and the Accountant in Practice-a practical guide for advisers by F. R. Salinger, Publisher Tolley Publishing Company Limited, Croydon, Surrey Dun & Bradstreet's Handbook of Modern Factoring and Commercial Finance by Louis A. Moskowitz, Publisher Thomas Y. Crowell Company; Factoring Services by Prof. A. K. Sengupta & Dr S. V. Kuvalekar, Publisher Skylark Publications Financing Without Borrowing by Fred Horwin & Tom Wheatley Publisher Harold Leroy & Co. Factoring in the UK Published by BCR Publishing in Bromley, Kent Related terms: Invoice Factoring, Freight Bill Factoring, Invoice Discounting |
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