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| Factoring - Accounts Receivable Finance - Purchase Order Finance - Construction Factoring - Healthcare Factoring - Working CapitalConsidering invoice factoring? Wouldn't you prefer working with a factoring company that works for you? There are hundreds of good factoring companies in the US and abroad. We'll help you navigate the process to get the best deal. Invoice factoring is the simple exchange of the value of a receivable for working capital. The receivable can be in the form of a freight bill (freight bill factoring, invoice (invoice factoring), a progress payment (construction factoring) or medical receivable (healthcare factoring). Call us to find out more... Regardless of whether you are factoring medical receivables, construction receivable, freight bill or other invoice, factoring allows you to access working capital to grow. As with many lenders & accountants realize, factoring is not always the best answer. Sometimes factoring is the best possible solution, sometimes it may be the worst. Call us to find out more... What in many cases factoring is the most effective tool to help growing businesses handle their accounts receivable and improve their cash flow (factoring) can be the worst if the company is delivering bad product or sub par service. The most important thing is to obtain the information you need to make an informed decision. Not just from this site but others as well.
Allow us to help... Factoring article? Securitization (opens in new window) Diversified Resources was formed as a sole proprietorship in 1998. Its mission: to serve small & medium sized business primarily in the four state region to improve their cash flow. (Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas) Since that time we have had the opportunity to work with businesses around the country as well. Diversified Resources is able to help businesses grow through various methods from simple billing changes & better understanding of vendors & client’s processes to financing receivables and/or purchase orders. In addition Diversified Resources works with consumer contract servicing & finance, commercial credit counseling, factoring and related services. If you, one of your customers or vendors is having trouble balancing the time lag between receivables and payables or if you just have questions please call for a free initial consultation. You'll be glad you did... (Repeat visitors please refresh your screen as content may have changed) Our MissionProvide businesses access to sophisticated and diverse financial tools including invoice factoring in a timely and professional manner. Perform above client expectation. Strive to keep America strong by supporting small business.
New Factoring Article!
Definition: Factoring
Books on Factoring:
Author: Peter S. Clarke McGraw-Hill Companies 10/1995 Hardcover; 350 pages;
A Guide to Factoring and Invoice Discounting: The New Bankers Author: Tim Lea, Wendy Trollope Chapman & Hall; 11/1996 Hardcover; 232 pages;
Factoring Services Author: S V Kuvalekar.
Dun and Bradstreet's Handbook of Modern Factoring and Commercial Finance
Factoring and Finance Author: Martin Forman, John Gilbert Trafalgar Square; 01/1976 Hardcover; 142 pages
The Business of Factoring; A Guide to Factoring and Invoice Discounting Author: David Hawkins McGraw-Hill Companies, The; 01/1993 Hardcover; 247 pages
Financing without Borrowing: A Business Person's Guide to Factoring Author: Tom Wheatley, Fred Horwin Harold, Leroy & Company, Incorporated; 06/1999 Soft cover; 223 pages
Factoring Small Receivables: How to Make Money in Little Deals the Big Guys Brush Off Author: Jeff Callender Coastline Financial Group, L.L.C.; 03/1998; REV Ring bound; 201 pages
Factoring Small Receivables: How to Make Money in Little Deals the Big Guys Brush Off Author: Jeff Callender Coastline F; 05/1996; REV Ring bound; 139 pages
Factoring in the U. K.: A Report and Guide to the Factoring Industry Author: Michael Bickers Bernan Associates; 11/1995 Soft cover Tex; 200 pages
Factoring: a comparative analysis: the legal and practical implications of factoring as practiced in the United States, England, and Denmark
Factoring, leasing, franchising, venture capital, leveraged buy-out, hardship clause, counter trade, cash and carry, merchandising Author: Aldo Frignani ASIN: 883480354X
The Role of Factoring in Modern Business Finance
Invoice Factoring Company-Medical Factoring-Construction Factoring-Accounts Receivable Finance-Invoice Discounting-Purchase Order Finance-Letters of Credit-Debt Management Diversified Resources is not just a factoring company but a consulting company. We help small & medium sized businesses with cash flow and finance related issues. Some of the tools we use include factoring, receivable finance, invoice discounting as well as more effective collection methods.
If you have any questions about factoring, how factoring companies work or other interests in financial tools please contact us. Our job is to provide support and help you grow your businesses not to close factoring transactions. Factoring - Accounts Receivable Finance - Purchase Order Finance - Construction Factoring - Healthcare Factoring - Working Capital |
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